I like you, Kimberly, and the way you so simply and succinctly say very true things. I also admire your conviction to put things in purely spiritual terms. I find myself wrestling with that a lot, feeling like I need to appeal to a more materialistic worldview as if to say "See, Cartesian rationalists? Even you can't deny this ish."
Anywho, this reminded me of a story. Once upon a time, a person who may or may not be me was tripping on psilocybin mushrooms when the sky opened up and said "YOU ARE THE MESSIAH. IT'S YOU." And this person realized the sky was right, that everything in their life had been setting themself up for that role, things they couldn't have possibly orchestrated for themselves. After that person went and cried in a porta-potty about the intensity of the revelation (this was at a music festival, naturally), they emerged from the porta-potty to find the trees giggling at them.
"It's you," said the trees, "but it's not just you, dingus. Find the others."
My mom has always talked about "building arks" in this meta-crisis of cataclysmic metaphoric floods in the world. She's always told me that the people who are blessed with that vision of how things could be different need to find each other and build spaces where the world is different, everywhere they can, over and over again. This made me think of that. I think it's true. Sorry for rambling. Kthnksbye.