Unraveling This (Par)asocial Life

Most days, I’d rather hang out with YouTube than my real friends.

Anna Mercury
6 min readFeb 1, 2023
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

I’ve been spending a lot of time on YouTube lately. In the way an earlier incarnation of me might promenade about the village square and say Bonjour! to everyone like Belle, I open up my YouTube app and check in with all my subscriptions. I get that hit of dopamine that reminds me I’m a part of something whole.

This love I feel for my parasocial YouTube relationships is genuine, I think. They’re idealized in ways I recognize can’t be good for me, but it feels so good all the same. Even if they’re one-sided, these relationships still give me a feeling of connection and context, a sense of position within a wider world that renders my life meaningful, even though I’m all alone, staring at a screen.

I’m ashamed to admit I’m addicted to it, but I am.

It feels better in this bubble. Out there — in the world outside my window — it’s cold and dark and people are strange. Relationships are difficult and so easily turn toxic. Friendships feel more like distractions than nourishment. Not here, in this parasocial love affair with a screen. Here, my relationships are perfect.

My parasocial friends don’t interrupt me. They don’t judge me or project weird insecurities onto me. We have all…



Anna Mercury
Anna Mercury

Written by Anna Mercury

Animist anarchist, trying to write a new world with the ashes of the old | www.allgodsnomasters.com

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