Not with that attitude, but fortuntately, degrowth already is happening, in communities all over the world: community gardens and housing cooperatives, tool libraries, repair cafes, laws banning planned obsolescence or mandating that electronics be repairable, transit organizing to strengthen public transportation, more and more and more people biking and cities expanding bike lanes, companies scaling back work weeks, mutual aid groups proliferating like crazy during disaster, laws banning food waste and requiring compost/reuse, grassroots and professional movements to bioremediate soil and water, the explosion of the permaculture movement, the rise in interest in traditional ecological knowledge and social forestry.
Is Donald Trump going to come out in favor of degrowth? Is anyone in the White House? Almost certainly never. But since when has "The President Is For It" ever been the requirement for a social movement to take off, which the degrowth movement already has?
Jesus, the obsession with hierarchical leadership in this country is as entrenched as it is obnoxious. Billionaire-funded politicians are not going to deliver climate solutions. It's regular people who have to step up to the plate, who always have been the ones to step up to the plate, who already are doing so and will continue to do so.