Member-only story
Why We Play the Victim
There are exactly two reasons why people view themselves as “the victim” in their own stories:
Reason One: They’re Ego-driven, immature, sniveling cowards who cannot take responsibility for themselves or how their thoughts and actions are shaping their circumstances. If only they’d do a Law of Attraction meditation, read The Secret, get off of the couch and go to 6 AM Vinyasa Flow, they’d quickly learn they have complete control over their reality and all of this victimhood nonsense is a coping mechanism for their Ego. But not you, Brenda — you are fully in control of your life, Brenda. You are not a victim.
Reason Two: They’re actual victims who aren’t in control of their circumstances. They’ve genuinely been dealt a tougher hand by the crapshoot incarnation lottery. Decisions over which they had no control caused some parts of life to be much harder for them than they might be for you. Big or small, most of their pain directly stems from capitalism, racism, sexism, childhood trauma, etc., and there’s absolutely no hope for their lives because they have no agency whatsoever to shape society at large or change what happened to them, so we might as well lie down and wait for climate change to kill us all, Brenda.
Look, Brenda: Both of these attitudes towards victimhood are bullshit, because both of them are true.